What is Turinabol?
On August 22nd it was announced that Jon “Bones” Jones tested positive for an anabolic steroid and will relinquish his belt back to Daniel Cormier. When the news came out, most were thinking it was testosterone, or another popular choice among athletes. The drug that was found in his system was turinabol. What is turinabol?
What is Turinabol?
Created in the 1960’s, turinabol became newsworthy when the world found out that the East German’s had been giving their Olympians this steroid which allowed a small country to dominate. East Germany was giving their men and women Olympians the drug and it allowed them to excel in track and field, swimming, and other events. The drug is known to help with strength and recovery. That allows him to not get too bulky. Kornelia Ender is one of the most famous users of turinabol. She was an East German swimmer who won 4 gold medals at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. She eventually had all medals stripped.

Why Would Jon Jones use Turinabol?
When training for an MMA fight, you want to be able to recover faster from long training sessions. You don’t want to be sore all the time. You also want to be able to be stronger while losing weight. If you have ever dieted hard, you know it is very difficult to keep the majority of your strength. turinabol would help you recover faster and keep strength while dieting. turinabol also helps you “cut” meaning retain muscle mass while dieting. This drug seems like a perfect fit for someone who is looking to perform in MMA.
However… turinabol has a detection time of 6 weeks. This means that Jon Jones had to take the drug within the last 6 weeks to get caught. Of course they do random testing before an event. It was dumb to think that he could pass this drug test.
What Will Happen to Jon Jones?
Jon can serve up to a 4 year suspension due to his positive test of turinabol. He will most likely appeal and say it was linked to a supplement that he was taking. The odd thing about turinabol is that it isn’t currently being made by any pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world. The production of turinabol was halted in 1994. Any product being made is being made on the black market. This is scary because there is no way of knowing the quality controls when a product is being made on the black market. I suspect his suspension to be 2 years.
Another career tainted.
Dustin Holston
Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist
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