What is a Meal Replacement and Why You Need it

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What is a Meal Replacement and Why You Need it

Q. What is a meal replacement protein?

A. I get asked asked all the time why I believe in meal replacements and why I think they benefit fitness enthusiast and dieters. A meal replacement is exactly as the name suggestions, and alternative to another meal. A meal replacement protein shake is typically used to replace breakfast or lunch. You are ingesting quality food typically in a drink form instead of eating unhealthy food, or food you don’t have time to prepare. Another benefit is that meal replacement shakes are typically a lot cheaper than buying a quality meal/eating out.


I suggest Level-1 by 1st Phorm as a meal replacement shake. Here is why:

#1. 138.5 calories, 24 grams of quality protein, lowish carbs/fats

#2. $1.67 a shake, about $6.00 cheaper than my McDonald’s order (about about 800 less calories)

#3. Mixes with water, almond milk, or regular milk effortlessly. No clumps.

#4. Tastes enjoyable. I look forward to my Level-1 shake.

#5. Keeps me full

Favorite Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, Ice Cream Sandwich, Cinnamon Cookie Batter

Burns Fat

Let’s do math. To burn one pound of fat in a week, you need to reduce calories/burn by 500 a day. If you are used to eating a 600-1000 calorie lunch, a Level-1 shake puts you already 500 calories less than what you have been eating. This puts money in your wallet and fat off your waist.

Free Shipping Coupon/Link: 

Thank you for reading my article. For readers of my blog, I’m sharing with you a secret link to order 1st Phorm products with free shipping as my gift to you. Click here.  or go to 1stphorm.com/nutritiontrain to activate.



Thank you for reading,



Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist



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