Calories are energy for the body. They provide us with the fuel needed to survive. But where we get these calories vary among the macros.
There are 4 macronutrients (macros)
Dietary Fats
Dietary Fats are 9 calories per gram. Dietary fats are the highest calories per gram, providing a ton of energy. Dietary fat and body fat are two different things, and studies show a higher fat diet (while in a calorie deficit) can be a very effective way to lose weight and tone. Some fats are good, while some fats are bad. Your bad fats are trans fat, which are luckily nearly eliminated in the American diet. Saturated fats can be good or bad, depending on how many you ingest. Unsaturated fats are healthy and can reduce inflammation. Fats are needed for hormonal regulation, so going too low on fats can be dangerous. I suggest more than 40 grams for females and 50 grams for males. Out of all the macros, this one has the greatest impact on hormones.

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. Carbohydrates are 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates are used for energy production but have various effects on different hormones in the body. Carbohydrates come in a variety forms, but most are either sugars, fiber, or complex carbs. Sugars provide quick energy because they digest fast, but raise blood sugar and insulin use. High blood sugar can put you at risk for diabetes, make PCOS worse, and more. It can also cause belly fat. Those who workout and who are active can utilize more carbohydrates effectively. Fiber is used for the digestion process and can be good to regulate blood sugar. Complex carbs are great sources of energy that takes longer to digest. This causes less of a blood sugar and insulin impact. I do not suggest going under 60 grams of carbs a day, unless you want to do keto, then it’s 30 or less carbs for 4-6 months, no cheat meals or days.
Protein provides 4 calories per gram, but the body doesn’t like using it for energy. Protein is needed for hair, skin, nails, nerve endings, organ tissue, thyroid hormone, ligaments, tendons, and muscle. Protein increases the metabolism and helps you tone at the same time. We suggest no less than 100 grams of protein and preferred 1 gram per goal body weight to maximize metabolism and toning. Studies actually show that a higher protein diet, even with the same calories as a lower protein diet, the higher protein diet burns more fat!
Alcohol is a macronutrient, no it doesn’t turn into a carb or a fat. Alcohol is 7 calories per gram, providing a lot of energy. However, alcohol is a toxin and the body will focus on alcohol metabolism and put burning fat on the backburner. Alcohol has little to no benefit to the body.
Using Macros to your Advantage
For Weight Loss: For weight loss I suggest a higher protein, lower carb diet. For many with excess belly fat, they suffer from a condition called Insulin Resistance in which the body doesn’t utilize carbohydrates correctly which causes more abdominal fat. This also helps with insulin issues and PCOS. Please talk to a doctor before starting any program.
For Muscle Gain and Bulking: I suggest a higher carbohydrate and higher protein. For this to work, you need to eat more than your body needs. This will create muscle out of the surplus calories.
Setting the correct calorie goal will put you in a position to lose weight, however you can maximize these results by eating the right fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Most of my clients do a lower carb, higher protein diet to maximize weight loss and metabolism (and toning).
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