Stop Saying Dieting is Expensive!
I train nearly 1000 clients currently, and I have heard my fair share of excuses. But one excuse that should never be said is that dieting is expensive!
Top Dieting Excuses
As a trainer and sports nutritionist there are three excuses that I hear most often:
- Dieting is Hard
- I Hate Diet Food
- Dieting is Expensive
Let’s start with the first one, dieting is hard. YES! It actually is hard. Diet is spelled with (DIE). However, if you plan accordingly, drink plenty of water, dieting becomes easier, fast. I find dieting enjoyable once clothes fit better.
I hate diet food is heard all the time. Diet food is bland, diet food tastes bad, diet food is for rabbits. Hold up, what do you think diet food is? I eat steak, seafood, pork, chicken, potatoes, rice, salads, pizza, pasta, ice cream, milk shakes, all while dieting. Wait, did I say pizza and pasta, ice cream and milkshakes? Absolutely. Dieting is about calories in vs. calories out, and studies actually show having a cheat meal every once in a while is good for a diet.

So I understand why dieting is hard, and I understand why some people hate diet food (because of lack of knowledge and culinary endeavors), however there is no excuse saying that diet food is expensive!

Diet Food is NOT Expensive
I love fast food, I absolutely love Wendy’s, and one of my favorite meals is the spicy chicken sandwich combo with fries and a diet coke. This is not, by any means, a diet meal. However this is a good representation of what many of us eat for lunch when we are not dieting. We don’t eat the .99 children’s cheeseburger.
Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich with medium fries and a diet coke- $6.69
4 ounces grilled chicken with 1 serving of whole grain rice- $1.00
4 ounces grilled chicken with balsamic vinaigrette and salad- $1.25
Pot Roast with 4 ounces of beef roast, carrots, red potatoes- $2.50
Diet food isn’t expensive, it’s that you are LAZY!
Meal Prepping and Planning is King When Dieting

I have an adage I tell my clients, “Know what you are eating tomorrow, today.” The only way to do this properly is to plan out all your meals. If you can plan and prep your meals, especially if you work long hours, it will not only make your diet more effective, it will save you money!
I save a ton of money when I diet. I make awesome meals at home in bulk and eat them during the week. The wife and I will make awesome crock pot meals for dinners, and I typically have a 1st Phorm Level-1 Meal Replacement shake for breakfast. I like eating nuts and cashews to keep blood sugar down as snacks, and BOOM! My day is made. What you spend for 1 lunch, I can eat breakfast, lunch, and snacks!
In conclusion, we know dieting is hard, we know that you have to work to make the food taste good, but diet food is not expensive. Proper planning will save you money, and maximize your weight loss.
Questions or Comments?
Email me at nutritiontrain at
Dustin Holston
Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight?
Note: I am not a doctor, please see a professional when starting any diet or fitness regime.