The Shredded Workout II

Lets do this! The Shredded Workout II is for those wanting to get ripped before summer, and will help you prepare for obstacle course challenges such as Spartan, Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, and others!
This is a 4-5 day workout program. You want to take as little of a break as possible between sets to keep heart rate and hypertrophy at maximum. We also will be doing 50 pull-ups a day for every workout (as few sets as possible). After 1 month it goes to 75 pull-ups a day.
- Biceps and Triceps + cardio
- Legs
- Chest + cardio
- Back + cardio
- Shoulders + Cardio + ABS
Biceps and Triceps
- 50 Pull-ups
- Alternating Biceps Curls (3 sets of 15)
- 21s (3 sets of 21)
- Inclined DB Curls (3 sets of 8)
- Headbangers (3 sets of 15)
- Rope pull downs (3 sets of 15)
- Overhead rope extensions (3 sets of 15)
- Dips (3 sets of 15)
- 30 second walk/30 second jog/30 second sprint for 15 minutes
- 50 Pull-ups
- Leg Extensions (3 sets of 15)
- Leg Curls (3 sets of 15)
- Smith Machine Lunges (3 sets of 8 with each leg)
- Lay Down DB Hamstring Curls (3 sets of 10)
- Single Leg-Leg Press (3 sets of 10 with each leg)
- 50 Pull-ups
- Bench Press (12, 8, 6, 4, 2) Increasing Weight
- Incline DB Press (12, 8, 6) Increasing Weight
- DB Pullovers (3 sets of 10)
- Cable Crossovers (3 sets of 10)
- 30 second walk/30 second jog/30 second sprint for 15 minutes
Back and Shoulders
- 50 Pull-ups
- Close Grip Pulldowns (3 sets of 10)
- Rack Pulls (Partial Deadlifts) (3 sets of 10)
- Single Arm DB Row (3 sets of 8)
- T Bar Row Machine Guantlet (2 sets top grip, 2 sets lower grip, 2 sets underhand top grip (6 total sets)
- 20 minute jog
Shoulders Plus Cardio Plus ABS
- Lateral Raises (3 sets of 12)
- Frontal Barbell Raises (3 sets of 10)
- Shoulder Press (3 sets of 15)
- Rear Delt Face Pulls (3 sets of 12)
- Shrugs (3 sets of 15)
- Mountain Climbers (3 sets of 30 seconds each)
- Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets of 10)
- 2 Mile Run
Remember: Post Workout Nutrition is the key for muscle growth and recovery! That is what Cardio and Weights suggests the Post Workout Stack from 1st Phorm!
Questions or comments about the Shredded Workout? Email me at nutritiontrain at
Thank you for reading!
Dustin Holston
NASM Weight Loss Specialist/Personal Trainer