MegaWatt V2 Pre-Workout Review

Version 2 of MegaWatt has me crushing the gym. Increased focus, increased strength, increased pump… what else do you want?

MegaWatt V2 Pre-Workout Review 1st Phorm Best Pre Workout

Free Shipping: You get 45 servings for $40.00 with free shipping if you click here! 

MegaWatt V2 is a preworkout supplement from 1st Phorm. Like many preworkouts, MegaWatt includes supplements to increase energy, increase focus, increase pump, and increase strength, but 1st Phorm actually includes the right dosages to make you feel like a beast in the gym!


Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Creatine Monohydrate 2500 mg Strength, Recovery, Pump
Beta-Alanine 1500 mg Increased Performance
Agmatine Sulfate 1000 mg Increased Bloodflow-Pump
Ener-G Matrix(TM): 342 mg Energy and Focus
[Caffeine Anhydrous, DiCaffeine Malate, Caffeine Citrate, Rauwolscine]
V2 Matrix(TM): 64 mg Focus, Energy, Fat Burning
[N-Acetyl Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, N-Methyl Tyramine HCL, Sulbutiamine, Hordenine, Huperzine A 1%]

Personal Review: 

I like to start my back workout with 10 minutes of deadlifts (once I warm-up). After the first few sets of 15-20, normally I have to take more than a minute break between sets. My first week on MegaWatt V2, I absolutely demolished my personal best. I hit more reps than ever with 2 minutes remaining, took less breaks between sets, and got out of the gym fast!

The flavor of MegaWatt V2 is outstanding and it mixed with only a few ounces of water. I throw in maybe 4 ounces of water and take it like a shot. It mixes incredibly easy. I take it on non-workout days to help me work on the house and keep my creatine levels up. This is my go to Pre-Workout!

The best part is that it is cheap!  You get 45 servings for $40.00 with free shipping if you click here! 

Note: If you are caffeine sensitive, this is still a great product for you! Start off with half a dose. That will give you 90 servings instead of 45! 

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Thank you for reading!


Dustin Holston

Certified Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist

Review Date
Reviewed Item
1st Phorm MegaWatt V2

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