Some people are intimidated to go workout with weights. I understand. A bunch of meat heads carrying their gallon jugs around, grunting with every rep, can make anyone uneasy. This is why we have the machine workout plan!
I think working out with weights is the #1 way to maximize your health, diet, and fitness, however, this workout will be a good foundation to transform your life!
Note: I’m not a fan of full body workouts for anyone but beginners. This should get you comfortable with weights, and after a few months, explore the free weights!
Do this workout 3 times a week!
Machine Workout:
Leg Extensions- 3 sets of 15

Leg Curls- 3 sets of 15

Wall Sits: 3 sets of 20 seconds

Preacher Curls- 3 sets of 12

Rope Curls- 3 sets of 12

Triceps Rope Extensions- 5 sets of 15 (pull downs)

Chest Press- 8 sets of 15

Shoulder Press- 5 sets of 15

Lat Pulldowns
Rest and Breaks
Try not to take more than 45 seconds break between sets. This is a lot of exercises so it is critical to get in and out as fast as you can. You will be sore the first few weeks with this workout, especially since you repeat it 3 times a week. It is vital to hit protein goals (minimum of 75% of your goal weight in protein). I suggest the Post workout stack from 1st Phorm to ensure you get the appropriate nutrients your body needs to recover and grow lean muscle (and burn fat!).
I would suggest hitting the treadmill or elliptical for 15-30 minutes of cardio each time at the gym!
Go to 1stphorm.com/nutritiontrain to get free priority shipping on your order!
Questions or comments? Message me at nutritiontrain at yahoo.com!
I hope you enjoyed this machine workout plan
Thank you for reading, share with friends!
Dustin Holston
Personal Trainer and Certified Weight Loss Specialist
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