Calorie Deficit Diet

Calorie Deficit Diet

What is the Calorie Deficit Diet? The calorie deficit diet is just a “normal” diet in which the dieter eats less calories than they need, causing fat loss. This diet cares more about the amount of calories ate vs. the amount of any specific macro. I would suggest trying to eat at least 80% of your ideal body weight in grams of protein a day to retain and build lean muscle.

Christina loves the calorie deficit diet
Christina loves the calorie deficit diet

For instance: You want to weight 150.

150 x .80 = 120 Grams of Protein

The rest of your macros can be anything as long as you are in a deficit.

How Many Calories Should I Eat?

To calculate calories, I suggest calculating your BMR. BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate, or the amount of calories your body needs to maintain its current weight at rest. If you eat less than your BMR you will lose weight.

I use this calculator to calculate BMR:

Before Starting a Calorie Deficit Diet

Talk to your doctor before starting any diet. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian. This is just a sample of a lower calorie diet.


It is important with any diet to drink at least 100 ounces of water. Water increases metabolism, decreases hunger, and is generally awesome!

Calorie Deficit Diet Plan #1

1500 Calories


This sample: 40% Carbs, 35% Protein, 25% Fats


Level-1 Protein Shake


Banana + Almonds


Chicken and Brown Rice


Pepperoni and string cheese


Pork Loin, Sweet Potato, and Broccoli


Phormula-1 and Ignition*

Calorie Deficit Diet Plan #2

1500 Calories

This sample: 35% Carbs, 35% Protein, 30% Fats


Level-1 Protein Shake


Whole Wheat Toast w/Butter


Turkey Burger w/Cheese and Fold-it Wrap


Apple w/ peanut butter


Salmon, Quinoa, Corn


Phormula-1 and Ignition*


  • Royal 21 King and Queen Systems can help you speed up your metabolism, control appetites, eliminates cravings, and can help with hormones. It even helps you sleep! Many of my clients have lost a ton of weight with Royal 21 King and Queen Systems! Click here for free shipping. 
  • Level-1 Meal Replacement Protein is low carb, high protein and will keep you full! This protein digests over time so that you don’t become hungry as fast. It’s also only $1.67 a meal! Click here for free shipping.
  • GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent) should only be used if you are going to have a cheat day. I suggest having a cheat day every once in a while. GDA helps block carbs from spiking blood sugar, and creating more fat. Click here for free shipping.
  • Fish Oil and a quality multivitamin will help you get the nutrients that you are missing from your diet. Fish oil improves cardiovascular function and the brain. I suggest Full-Mega and M-Factor series of multi-vitamins. Click here for free shipping. 
  • Phormula-1 + Ignition (Post Workout Stack). The Post Workout Stack helps replenish glycogen and protein to the muscles after exercise. If you are not exercising, do not take the Post Workout Stack with this diet. The Post Workout Stack is formulated to help you grow and repair lean muscle. Click here for free shipping.


The key to this diet is that you need to just make sure you stay under your allotted calorie goals. If you do that, and stay active, you should lose a ton of weight. I do suggest that you hit your protein mark each day that was previously mentioned.


Thank you,


Dustin Holston

Personal Trainer/Sports Nutritionist

Article Name
Calorie Deficit Diet
The Calorie Deficit Diet is a diet that allows the dieter flexibility with their diet and helps them burn fat fast!
Publisher Name
Cardio and Weights

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