Intermittent Fasting is a popular diet option for many… Is it right for you?

What is Intermittent Fasting?
Fasting has been around for millennia and has been used mainly for religious purposes. Fasting typically means going without food for 24+ hours. The difference between fasting and intermittent fasting (IF) is the amount of time without food. Most people practice 16-8 or 18-6 IF, meaning that they go without food consumption for 16 hours (or 18 hours) and eat for 6-8 hours during each day. Due to the restriction of the amount of hours you can eat each day, you are more likely to consume less food, causing weight loss!
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Here are the main health benefits of intermittent fasting:
- Weight loss: As mentioned above, intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and belly fat, without having to consciously restrict calories (1, 13).
- Insulin resistance: Intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar by 3–6% and fasting insulin levels by 20–31%, which should protect against type 2 diabetes (1).
- Inflammation: Some studies show reductions in markers of inflammation, a key driver of many chronic diseases (17, 18, 19).
- Heart health: Intermittent fasting may reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood sugar and insulin resistance — all risk factors for heart disease (1, 20, 21).
- Cancer: Animal studies suggest that intermittent fasting may prevent cancer (22, 23, 24, 25).
- Brain health: Intermittent fasting increases the brain hormone BDNF and may aid the growth of new nerve cells. It may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease (26, 27, 28, 29).
- Anti-aging: Intermittent fasting can extend lifespan in rats. Studies showed that fasted rats lived 36–83% longer (30, 31).
This information was derived from
Who Shouldn’t Do IF?
Before starting any diet or exercise plan, you should consult a doctor. However, there are studies to show that intermittent fasting may not be for everyone.
- Do you have problems regulating your blood sugar? IF may not be right for you
- Do you take certain medications? If so, IF may not be right for you
- Are you trying to conceive? If so, IF may not be right for you
- Are you breastfeeding? If so, IF may not be right for you
- History of eating disorders? If so, IF may not be right for you
Why Only Coffee, Water, and amino acids?
Coffee, water, and Amino acids are the only substances I suggest during the fasting time for a number of reasons
- Black coffee, water, and amino acids will help with appetite suppression
- All 3 have zero calories
- Coffee and EAA from 1st Phorm will also help with energy levels during fast!
Sample Meal Plan for IF
The number one rule to any diet I suggest is keeping protein levels up. Protein helps with weight loss and toning by promoting the growth of lean muscle.
11:00am- Chicken (6oz) and Rice (Brown)
1:00pm- Level-1 Protein Shake (2 Scoops)
3:00pm- Serving of Almonds
5:00pm- Steak (6 oz) , Sweet Potato, Broccoli
7:00pm- Post Workout Shake (Phormula-1 + Ignition)
Total Calories: 1500
Fats: 35g
Carbs: 145g
Protein: 156g
Is IF Right For You?
Intermittent Fasting is a great option for those looking for a lifestyle change. IF has been used for millennia and has proven health benefits. This style of diet isn’t for everyone, especially those will the health conditions listed above. Just like any diet, Intermittent Fasting works by constricting calories, although it has the benefit of also helping regulate sugar levels.
Other Notes:
- Because your body needs protein and carbohydrates immediately post workout, it is essential that you workout when you can eat.
- Water consumption is extremely important with all diets.
- Products like 1-DB Godess and Overdrive can help with appetite and fat burning.
Questions or comments?
Message me at Nutritiontrain @
Thank you,
Dustin Holston
NASM Weight Loss Specialist and Personal Trainer