Guest Author: Christina Holston, Zumba Instructor, Trainer, Medical Assisting Instructor, and Co-Owner Team Nutrition Train
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight? The belly, the hips, the thighs, the butt, the arms, did I say the butt? It can be very difficult for women to lose weight. If my husband says he wants to lose 5 pounds, like magic it seems like it flies off of him and gets added to my hips. In this article I am going to go over the science of why it is so hard for women to get the weight off and some tips on how we can do it! Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight?
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight? Estrogen… It sucks!
Estrogen is what gives us our breasts and wider hips. It may be attractive to some, but sometimes it gets in the way. Estrogen is one of the main reasons why we have higher body fat percentages on average than our male counterparts. The American College of Sports Medicine states that healthy men should have a body fat percentage of 10-22%, while women should have a body fat percentage of 20-32%.
So this explains why you have more fat than your male counterpart, but don’t fray. We will figure out how to fight fire with fire!
Throw Away the Trash!
Before starting your diet it is always best to “Throw away the Trash!” If you have any unhealthy food in the house, throw it away before you start your diet. No reason to punish yourself and tempt yourself.
We Don’t Have the Lean Muscle Men Have
In my above paragraph about estrogen I talk about our body fat percentages being higher. For every pound of lean muscle someone has, that is 14 calories extra burned. Every pound of fat only burns 2 calories per day. Due to the fact that us ladies have higher body fat percentages and less lean muscle than our male counterparts, we don’t burn the amount of calories that men do. We have to build lean muscle to compete with them when it comes to metabolism! You cannot be afraid to lift heavy weights!
Girls will not look like men if they lift weights if they do the following:
Don’t take steroids
That’s it, there is not a #2. I don’t discriminate against women wanting to take steroids, however it isn’t for me. If you lift weights, diet, add cardio you will lose weight, look great, and look beautiful.
We can’t slip as much as our male counterparts. Testosterone allows men to build muscle easier than us girls. Us girls tend to love simple carbs (chips, candy, donuts, bread!), but simple carbs do two things. They spike blood sugar, and they also add water weight (1 gram of carbs add 3 grams of water to your body). Between the two that means we are adding fat and extra water weight.
Supplements like the Royal Queen 21 Fat System which helps boost your metabolism, eliminate cravings, decrease appetite, optimize hormones, and even increase sleep is excellent to help us lose weight and help us better control our diets.
If you cannot get away from carbs (party, etc.) look at a supplement like GDA (Glucose Disposal Agent). It helps you block carbs from spiking blood sugar. This supplement is amazing and I take it every day!
Try not to spike your blood sugar unless you are in post workout (within 60 minutes of working out). Go high protein (protein is the last macro-nutrient that turns into fat), moderate fat, and complex carb. I rely on Level-1 Protein Meal Replacement Shakes during for breakfast (138.5 calories, 24 grams of protein, low carb, low fat), and healthy snacks. I meal prep lunch and have a sensible dinner. As soon as I’m done with my evening workout I hit the Post Workout Stack from 1st Phorm which includes Phormula-1 and Ignition. This is the highest grade Hyrdo-Whey to refuel your muscles with amino acids, protein, and pure glucose to get your muscles rebuilt. Plus it tastes absolutely amazing. Imagine a root beer float post workout?
We Cannot Binge Eat!
Women are more susceptible to binge eating, especially after we workout. Just because we workout doesn’t mean we should eat more food afterwards! What makes things worse for us is that our hormone that controls hunger goes up post workout, and our hormone that controls feeling full goes down post workout. Our bodies want to binge eat after working out! UGHHHHHHH! This is where you need to drink your Post Workout Shake immediately after working out, then if you are still really hungry eat some carrots or fruit.
Water Weight
Believe it or not, men actually hold more water weight than women! I thought for sure before doing research that women held more water weight than men! I think it may effect us more especially during our favorite time of the month. The great news is that there is ways to combat excess water weight. Drinking more water (80+ ounces a day), decreasing sodium, increasing potassium, taking a multi-vitamin such as M-Factor Goddess, or taking a great fat burner like the Royal 21 Queen System can help you relieve extra water weight issues!
Make Sure you See Your Doctor Regularly
Dr. Luby, a premier Gynecologist that I worked for over 7 years. I learned so much working for this man!
I was a Patient Coordinator/Asst. Office Manager at a OB/GYN for 7 years and currently teach Medical Assisting at a Career Tech High School and I can’t stress enough to women the importance of getting annual checkups with their doctors. It is important to get annual blood tests for thyroid, cholesterol, blood sugar, and other essential body functions. It is also vital to see your Gynecologist each year and get a PAP. There are too many preventable diseases and cancers that can be detected in blood work and screenings that can save your life.
Some of these screenings will see if there are some underlying conditions that may be causing weight gain. Feel free to talk to your doctor about concerns that you have.
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight? We are paddling upriver, we are climbing a mountain, and we are driving a car without brakes, however losing weight isn’t impossible for women. We are determined, intelligent, and stubborn as hell and won’t take no for an answer. If you follow the above tips, check out the supplements listed above, you to can lose weight easily!
Thank you for reading Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight? Share the article with friends!
Christina Holston
1st Phorm Legionnaire
Article Name
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight?
Why is it so Hard for Women to Lose Weight? Christina Holston, a trainer and medical professional, explains why it is harder for women and tips on losing and keeping weight off.