Creatine Rage and the Case of the Abusive Cop
You may have watched the above video that tried to state that Officer Ben Fields may have been using bodybuilding supplement “Creatine” and it may have contributed to his rage!

Here is what we know about creatine:
It’s naturally occurring. It is found in meat.
It is one of the most studies supplements in history.
Your body already has 100-150 grams of it naturally without taking the supplement.
It increases muscle mass and strength
This is what side effects are known:
Weight gain
Dehydration and cramps
Gastrointestinal issues
Alleged side effects:
If you have kidney or liver problems, you probably shouldn’t take creatine
Other items to note:
There is no such thing as Creatine Rage!!!
Creatine does not increase hormone levels such as steroids. It isn’t an amphetamine that hypes you up. Creatine is not going to make you hulk out and assault a kid for no reason!