What’s The Best Diet?

What’s the best diet?
It’s the one you can stick to best. All diets have some fundamental core concepts that are necessary. All start with:
Being in a calorie deficit.
Now I am not saying that this is the only thing that matters, nor is eating too few calories is the answer, this can also cause a metabolism crash and cause a plethora of issues.
Also diets should include the following:
- Vitamins and minerals
- Water (100 ounces or more)Veggies (note, fruits also, unless you have fatty liver or doing keto, more on that)
- Protein (1 gram per goal body weight)
- Activity (daily, resistance training 4+ days a week)
- Tracking all food (We do not know what we eat without tracking)
If someone tries to sell you a diet tells you these things aren’t important, you need to reconsider.
Here are 4 Popular Diets I Do:
Intermittent fasting
Low carb high protein
Macro counting
They all have a lot in common. They all start with a calorie deficit. Each have high protein, yes even keto. All have unlimited veggies. Should allow fruit (however low carb, which we may have to limit some, none on keto). All rely on eating the right foods to make sure we get the vitamins and minerals needed to enhance metabolism, recovery, and overall health. All are great diets.

Intermittent Fasting:
Great for weight loss, great for chronic health conditions (Thyroid, PCOS, Infertility, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance), and toning.
It works by controlling calories and regulating hormones. This makes it very good for PCOS/Infertility/Insulin Resistance/Thyroid Issues.
For it to work right, 16 hours of fasting (water, diet, coffee with a little creamer, amino acids, pre workout, reds/greens are fine with my dirty fast). Then all meals within 8 hour window. Watch out for chronically under eating, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and not hitting your protein goal. It is still vital to eat a high protein diet (1 gram per goal body weight) to maximize metabolism and allow us to tone as we lose fat.
I suggest a fast from 8:00pm-Noon the next day. Then have a Lunch-Snack-Dinner-Snack to get your meals in. Eating 40-50 grams of protein for lunch and dinner, and having a protein shake between lunch and dinner, with a sensible snack before cut off, should get you the protein needed.

Low Carbohydrate High Protein/Macro Counting
These two diets are similar and different at the same time. Low Carbohydrate High Protein (LCHP) is a diet that will have around 100-125 grams of carbohydrates a day, 1 gram of protein per goal body weight, without any time restriction with your foods (note, eating at night doesn’t cause weight gain unless you OVER-EAT at night).
Macro Counting on the other hand can have a higher carbohydrate load and we focus on spreading macros between Carbs, Fats, and Protein while focusing on calories.
I suggest LCHP for those who have struggled with weight loss before, have insulin resistance, PCOS, thyroid issues, or want a jump start on their diet (science shows Low Carb has a better boost at the beginning for weight loss, although macro counting catches up for about the same weight loss over 12 months).

Keto (Ketosis)
Ketosis is a biological process in which the body no longer uses glucose (carbohydrates) as an energy source. The body will create ketones (an energy source) from fats to provide energy.
Keto is the best diet for those with epilepsy (it was developed for epilepsy in the 1920’s). It can be a good diet for those with insulin resistance.
My biggest loser every did Keto (151 in 12 months), however, studies show that it is no better than any other diet for long term weight loss. Keto isn’t for everyone.
To do Keto, you must:
- Keep carbohydrates to lower than 40 grams (preferably 30 grams) daily
- This must be done EVERY SINGLE DAY without a single day going above 40
- I suggest doing this a minimum for 6 months
- You cannot have a cheat meal with carbohydrates
- Watch “net-carbs” because they can still kick you out of ketosis
- Test ketones daily
Yes, you can go high protein keto, especially if you workout, where this is vital for toning. The body can convert protein into glucose because of “gluconeogenesis”. This is incredibly difficult for the body to do. If you workout, stay active, etc. the chances of protein kicking you out of ketosis is nearly 0%. I’ve never had a client be kicked out of ketosis by going 1 gram of protein per goal body weight.
I do suggest the following supplements for clients on keto because of lack of nutrients from foods you CANNOT eat on keto. Opti-Greens 50, Opti-Reds 50, and Micro Factor for every single client. These are great supplements for all diets, however with the inability to eat fruits, whole grains, and other foods will cause nutrient deficiencies.
Supplements For Your Diet
Here are supplements I think you will benefit from when you are using one of these diets. This is because some of these diets will make it difficult to hit the necessary vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients to obtain your goals.
- Level-1 Meal Replacement Protein- This protein is made to be a true meal replacement, keto and low carb friendly, will keep you full, and mixes and tastes amazing. Plus you can bake with it!
- Opti-Greens 50- This is 10 servings of vitamins and minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and blood sugar regulators to help increase metabolism, decrease water weight and bloat, help fix digestive issues, and more. You can forgo this supplement if you eat 5-7 servings of veggies, 3 servings of fermented foods, and a few servings of tropic fruits each day.
- Opti-Reds 50- This is several servings of fruits and veggies that are full of antioxidants to help with metabolism and heart health.
- Micro Factor Daily Nutrient Packs- This includes vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, essential fatty acids, COQ10 for heart health, and more. This is the equivalent to 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies a day, plus whole grains, plus red meat, plus more! This should be taken with Opti-Greens.
- 1-DB Fastpack- This powerful fat burning stack includes 3 potent fat burners to help jump start your transformation.
Clicking these links for free shipping on me!
What diet is the best diet? It’s the one you can stick to consistently because science shows that almost all diets, who meet the requirements mentioned, will all help you lose weight. Some diets may be better with certain health conditions because of some specific benefits, but each diet will put you in the right direction.
If you haven’t joined the 1st Phorm $50,000 Transphormation Challenge, what are you waiting for! Download the app so you can log food and have access to me as your coach! 1stphorm.app/nutritiontrain
Have a great day!
Dustin Holston
Advanced Nutrition Solutions
Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Specialist
1st Phorm 1-DB Fastpack Review