Arnold Classic Bodybuilding Results
The Arnold Sports Festival has finished and we have a NEW Arnold Classic Champion.
Men’s Bodybuilding Open Results:
6. Fouad Abaid: Fouad looked really good. He tore his quad in prep and it hurt his symmetry. Great showing.
5. Juan Morel: Top half great, bottom half disappeared a bit.
4. Lionel Beyeke: Needed about 3-4 more weeks of dieting to come in hard as nails and could have won this whole thing. He is always just a hair off. Great structure.
3. Maxx Charles: He was my dark horse if you read my Arnold Predictions. He looked amazing. Great job Maxx!
2. Dallas McCarver: Dallas started working with Chad Nichols during prep, the same Chad Nicholas that pushed Ronnie Coleman to 7 Olympia titles. Dallas looked good but at 26 years old, he needs more time to get that muscle maturity that wins major championships.
1. Cedric McMillan: Cedric deserved the night. Cedric looked amazing. Tight waist, great conditioning, and bigger than ever. I couldn’t be happier for Cedric!
If you haven’t watched his speech after his win, you need to. He is inspiring.

Other winners:
Ahmad Ashkanani won the 212 Championship although I would have gave the edge to David Henry, who’s back was an anatomy chart for muscles, tendons, and other freaky things. Ahmad is the future of the 212. I don’t know how he makes weight.
Oksana Grishina competes in her final Arnold Classic Fitness and mesmerizes the crowd with win.
Angelica Teixeira wins Bikini International!
Ryan Terry – 2017 Arnold Classic Men’s Physique Champion
Candice Lewis – 2017 Figure International Champion
Daniely Castilho – 2017 Arnold Classic Women’s Physique Champion
Brian Shaw conquers The Mountain for the Arnold Strongman Title!
Thank you for reading!
Dustin Holston
Sports Nutritionist/Personal Trainer