1st Phorm Liposomal Vitamin D3 is proven by science to make you better!
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that nearly 75% of Americans are deficient in(Scientific America). Vitamin D, also known as the Sunshine Vitamin controls many valuable processes inside the body that benefits those trying to lose weight, gain muscle, and live happier, healthier lives.

What is Liposomal Vitamin D3
1st Phorm Liposomal Vitamin D3 is the vitamin D3 “surrounded by a protective barrier” to help the vitamin be absorbed better in the stomach so that your body can use it. Our stomachs are very acidity and when vitamins and minerals hit the stomach, a lot of the effectiveness disappears. 1st Phorm fixed this by making a liposomal vitamin D3 so that you will get a dose your body will actually use! Vitamin D3 is a more expensive but better effective way to increase vitamin D levels in the body!
You can order 1st Phorm Liposomal Vitamin D with free Priority Shipping by going to:
You can read more about Vitamin D Deficiency Below!
What Does Vitamin D Do?
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium get absorbed in the bones, helps with muscle function, helps fight viruses, and also helps fight depression. Some studies show that vitamin D can also help protect against cancers!
Vitamin D and Weight Loss
A study in Italy showed that people who dieted, and took dosages of vitamin D saw increased fat loss and smaller waists than people who dieted without vitamin D supplementation (webmd).
Vitamin D and Testosterone in Men
A recent studied showed that men who are deficient in vitamin D saw increases in testosterone when supplemented with vitamin D (NCBI).
Vitamin D and Depression
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to depression. A recent study showed that many different forms of depression and mental illness and low vitamin D levels were also related (NCBI).
Thank you for reading! Feel free to share this review with friends!
Dustin Holston
NASM Weight Loss Specialist and Personal Trainer
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