1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval Review. Collagen is in every ligament, tendon, bone, and helps with hair strength and skin elasticity. It also helps us stay looking young! When I found out that 1st Phorm created a Collagen product, I was interested to see why and how 1st Phorm plans on making the best collagen product on the market.
What is collagen? Collagen is a protein that makes up much of our bones, tendon, and ligaments. Our ancestors used to eat far more collagen than we do now. Bone broths and pigs feet were much more enticing years ago than they are today.
Does Collagen Work?
Collagen has been proved through multiple studies to be a “fountain of youth.” Although this might be slightly overhyped, there is some truth to the phrase.
- A 2014 study looked at the effects of adding 2.5-5 grams of collagen a day in women between the ages of 35-55. Study showed great improvements in skin elasticity.
- A study in 2012 showed Daily supplementation with 1 g of collagen for 12 weeks led to a significant reduction of skin dryness/scaling (76%) and global lines/wrinkles (13.2%) as measured by visual/tactile score
- Collagen I and II also helps build bone density. Science also points to it helping with ligament and joint inflammation.
But Why 1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval?
The majority of Collagen needed is I, II, III, however the 1st Phorm formula also includes V and X forms from 5 different collagen sources. This powerful matrix of collagen peptides are supported by science to help with various aspects of human health, including skin elasticity, bones, joins, cartilage, and muscle.
On top of this, most clinical studies use only 2.5-5 grams of collagen peptides. 1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval includes 16.7 grams of Collagen Peptides!
Dermaval is a phytonutrient blend to help increase the body’s natural source of elastin. Elastin is great for helping with the elasticity of the skin and to help reduce wrinkles and help with loose skin!
How to Optimize 1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval
1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval is the best collagen product I’ve seen on the market, however if you do not eat enough protein per day, collagen will try to repair and rebuild muscle. The problem is that the amino acids that make up collagen are not effective at repairing and building muscle. It will try hard to do this, but will be ineffective. If you want your Collagen product to do what you want it to do (Bone, ligaments, skin, nails, etc.) you want to make sure you eat enough protein. I suggest my clients to eat .8 grams per goal body weight (120 grams of protein if you want to weigh 150 for instance). This will allow collagen to maximize its effectiveness at providing all the benefits mentioned below.
I suggest Level-1 and Phormula-1 to help keep protein stores up.
Where Can I Buy 1st Phorm Collagen with Dermaval?
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Dustin Holston
Nutritionist and Personal Trainer